Herbal Toner


Herbal Toner


Description: Herbal Astringent Toner for post shaving and face care. Topical application only, primarily face and neck, do not apply to eyes/mouth. Benefits: soothes skin and closes follicles while rebalancing the skin’s pH to a naturally acidic state after cleansing or exfoliation. Gentle and non-drying herbal blend is aimed to protect the skins natural oil layer, support healing and cleanse the skin.

No Animal testing



Ingredients: Distilled Water, Activated Charcoal, Black Seed, Rosemary blend.

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Description: Herbal Astringent Toner for post shaving and face care. Topical application only, primarily face and neck, do not apply to eyes/mouth. Benefits: soothes skin and closes follicles while rebalancing the skin’s pH to a naturally acidic state after cleansing or exfoliation. Gentle and non-drying herbal blend is aimed to protect the skins natural oil layer, support healing and cleanse the skin.

No Animal testing



Ingredients: Distilled Water, Activated Charcoal, Black Seed, locally sourced/grown Rosemary.