New this Winter/Spring 2025. East Coast meets West Coast in the middle. St. Louis retail/barbershop merger that brings two families together. We will start sharing images of the design, and provide specifics, including launch date(s), product releases and networking opportunities. Looking forward to seeing you in a historic space that was originally configured as a barbershop 100 yrs ago.

(3) fully restored 1970’s powder coated Takara Belmonts, compliment the solid Brick & Mortar location, nestled in the Shaw District of MO. A historical partnership that morphs major design elements with a rich tradition and hx in the beauty/barbershop industry.

For details and how to apply, send an email via (contact) page. Must be licensed, Sr Master Barbers, 5 yrs plus experience. In person interviews start in August 2024.

B/A - A.B.
